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Start Streaming Now1. One there is above all others,
Oh, how He loves!
His is love beyond a brother’s,
Oh, how He loves!
Earthly friends may fail and leave us,
One day soothe, the next day grieve us;
But this Friend will ne’er deceive us;
Oh, how He loves!
2. ‘Tis eternal life to know Him,
Oh, how He loves!
Think, oh think, how much we owe Him.
Oh, how He loves!
With His precious blood He bought us,
In the wilderness He sought us,
To His fold He safely brought us,
Oh, how He loves!
3. Blessed Jesus! Would you know Him?
Oh, how He loves!
Give yourselves entirely to Him,
Oh, how He loves!
Think no longer of the morrow,
From the past new courage borrow,
Jesus carries all your sorrow:
Oh, how He loves!
4. All your sins shall be forgiven,
Oh, how He loves!
Backward shall your foes be driven,
Oh, how He loves!
Best of blessings He’ll provide you,
Naught but good shall e’er betide you,
Safe to glory He will guide you
Oh, how He loves!