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Start Streaming Now1. FRIEND of sinners! Lord of glory!
Lowly, mighty, Brother, King!
Musing o’er Thy wondrous story,
Grateful we thy praises sing.
Friend to help us, cheer us, save us,
In whom power and pity blend-
Praise we must the grace which gave us
Jesus Christ, the sinner’s Friend.
2. Friend who never fails nor grieves us-
Faithful, tender, constant, kind!
Friend who at all times receive us,
Sorrow soothing, joys enhancing,
Loving until life shall end-
Then conferring bliss entrancing,
Still in heaven the sinner’s Friend.
3. Oh to love and serve Thee better!
From all evil set us free;
Break, Lord, every sinful fetter,
Be each though conformed to Thee.
Looking for Thy bright appearing,
May our spirits upward tend;
Till, no longer doubting, fearing,
We behold the sinner’s Friend.